Ghantona, C. (2007). The contribution of individual and psychosocial factors in adapting the student population to the University: An ecosystem approach. Doctoral thesis. Department of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


Gkantona, G. (2018): Creating space for happiness to emerge: the processes of emotional change in the dialogical stage model. British Journal of Guidance & Counseling. DOI: 10.1080 / 03069885.2018.1478059.
Gkantona, G., Ydreou, A., Lefkaditi, E., & Paritsis, N. (2014). Improving Adaptive Functioning in Profoundly Mentally Retarded and Behavior-Disordered ex Hospitalized Adults. A Control Study. Human Systems Journal, Vol. 24, pp. 35-45.

Ganton, G. & Stogiannidou, A. (2009). Differentiation of the student from the family system: The concept of personal autonomy and its relation to adaptation to the student lifestyle. Scientific Yearbook of the Department of Psychology, Vol. I, pp. 343-361. Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


Gkantona, G. (2014). Has negative emotions to change the self and / or symptoms to be treated? A case example illustrating a dialogical stage model for emotional change. 2nd Joint WPAINA- HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress: Pluralism in Psychiatry II. Multidimensional Considerations. Proceedings edited by C. Soldatos, D. Dikeos, M. Riba, P. Ruiz, D. Bhugra, M. Riba. Medimond International Proceedings, pp. 75-78, October 30 – November 2, Athens, GREECE.

Gkantona, G., Idreou, K., & Paritsis, N. (2012). Human Systems Therapy (HST) for people with intellectual disability. 1st Joint WPA-INA-HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress: Pluralism in Psychiatry, Diverse Approaches and Converging Goals. Proceedings edited by C. Soldatos, P. Ruiz, D. Dikeos, M. Riba, Medimond International Proceedings, pp. 155-160, November 29 – December 2, Athens, Greece.

Gkantona, G., Lefkaditi, E. & Paritsis, N. (2014). Continuous development in social skills in deeply retarded adults: Is there a case of neuroplasticity? 2nd Joint WPA-INA-HSRPS International Psychiatric Congress: Pluralism in Psychiatry II. Multidimensional Considerations. Proceedings edited by C. Soldatos, D. Dikeos, M. Riba, P. Ruiz, D. Bhugra, M. Riba. Medimond International Proceedings, pp. 75-78, October 30 – November 2, Athens, Greece.

Gkantona, G., Stogiannidou, A. & Kalantzi-Azizi, A. (2005). Reliability and Validity of the College Adaptation Questionnaire in a Sample of Greek University Students. FEDORA PSYCHE Conference. Internationalization within Higher Education in a Growing Europe: New Developments in Psychological Counseling, 8-11 June, Groningen, The Netherlands.


Gkantona, G. (2016). Therapist’s reflection in metaphoric language: Forming relational analogies between the therapist and the client regarding their inner experience. Ninth Conference of the European Family Therapy Association. 28 September – 1 October, Athens, Greece.

Gkantona, G. & Paritsis, N. (2010). The application of systemic practice in the enhancement of adaptive behavior for people with pervasive developmental disorders: A repeated measures study. Seventh Congress of the European Family Therapy Association: “60 years of family therapy, 20 years of EFTA … and after? New ways for systemic practice, 29-31 October, Paris.

Kaftantzi, V., Karakitsou, M., Zotou, T. Chatzi, S., Sarafian, V. & Gkantona, G. (2004). Women’s stories. A Systemic Investigation on Problems of Women Asking for Psychological Help. European Family Therapy Association. Fifth European Congress of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice: “Creating Futures-Systemic Dialogues across Europe”, 29 September – 2 October, Berlin, Germany.

Paritsis, N. & Gkantona, G. (2014). Testing a Law of Optimal Variety and Order for Development, through Action Research on Profound Mentally Retarded Adults. International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS). Learning across Boundaries: Exploring the Variety of Systemic Theory and Practice, July 28 – August 1, Washington, DC, USA.

Paritsis, N., Gkantona, G. & Lefkaditi, E. (2014). Continuous, “over 6 years, improving adaptive functioning in adults with profound mental retardation, through systemic intervention. European Family Therapy Association. First European Conference on Systemic Research in Therapy, Education and Organizational Development: Linking Systemic Practice and Systemic Research, 6-8 March, Heidelberg, Germany.

Gkantona, G., Stogiannidou, A. & Kalantzi-Azizi, A. (2007). Relationship Between Adjustment to the University and Characteristics of the Students’ Family of Origin. FEDORA PSYCHE Conference. Crossing Internal and External Borders. Practice for an Effective Psychological Counseling in European Higher Education, 5-8 September, Rethymnon, Greece.

Gkantona, G., Stogiannidou, A. & Triliva, S. (2004). Relationship Between Perception of Personal Authority and Adjustment of University Students. Psychological Society of Northern Greece. First International Conference of the Psychological Society of Northern Greece: “Quality of Life and Psychology”, 3 – 5 December, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Gkantona, G. (2016). The implementation of the Dialogical Stage Model for emotional change in anxiety disorders treatment. Invited workshop in the Ninth International Conference on the Dialogical Self, 7 – 10 September 2016, Lublin, Poland.

Paritsis, N. & Gkantona, G. (2010). A new systemic method of intervention in people with severe pervasive developmental disorders for improving their functioning. Workshop in the seventh Congress of European Family Therapy Association: «60 years of family therapy, 20 years of EFTA… and after ? New ways for systemic practice», 29 – 31 October, Paris.

Gkantona, G., Stogiannidou, A. & Triliva, S. (2004). Relationship Between Perception of Personal Authority and Adjustment of University Students. Psychological Society of Northern Greece. First International Conference of the Psychological Society of Northern Greece: “Quality of Life and Psychology”, 3 – 5 December, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Gkantona, G. (2016). The implementation of the Dialogical Stage Model for emotional change in anxiety disorders. Invited Workshop in the Ninth International Conference on the Dialogic Self, 7-10 September 2016, Lublin, Poland.

Paritsis, N. & Gkantona, G. (2010). A new systemic method of intervention in people with severe pervasive developmental disorders to improve their functioning. Workshop in the Seventh Congress of the European Family Therapy Association: “60 years of family therapy, 20 years of EFTA … and after? New ways for systemic practice, 29-31 October, Paris.


Ganton, C. (2015b). The Professional Spelling Book as a Tool of Career Guidance. 3rd Panhellenic Conference of the Psychological Society of Northern Greece (PSEB) on “Psychology and Education: Contemporary Orientation and Applications”, 9-11 October, Ioannina.

Ganton, C. (2015a). Early manifestations of the children’s interactive skills. 13th Pan-Hellenic Post-Educational Conference on Preschool Education: “Contemporary Psychopedagogical Approaches in Preschool Education. Theory & Practice “, March 20-22, Ioannina.

Ganton, G. & Paritsis, N. (2010). Increasing functionality in people with mental retardation and behavioral problems: An action research. Society for Systemic Therapy and Intervention of Individuals, Families and Larger Systems (ESYPTEPS). 4th Panhellenic Congress on Systemic Therapy: Dealing Today: Drugs, Abuse and Violence in Human Systems, 30 April – 2 May, Analipsi Hersonissos, Crete.

Ganton, G. & Paritsis, N. (2009a). Implementation of a Systemic Method for Improving the Functionality of Persons with Mental Mental Delay and Behavioral Problems Staying in a Boarding School in the Community. Hellenic Psychological Society. 12th Panhellenic Congress of Psychological Research: “The Contribution of Psychological Research to Modern Society”, May 14 – 17, Volos.

2011 – 2014
Curriculum and translation into Greek of the book “Hermans, H. & Hermans-Konopka, A. (2010). Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge University Press, New York.
2011 – 2014
Curriculum and Performance in Greek of the Writing “McMahon, M. & Patton, W. (2006). Career Counselling: Constructivist Approaches. Routledge, London and New York.
Project Leonardo: Guidance Towards the Future. Adaptation to the Greek language
training material for Vocational Guidance Consultants and Consultants. Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business.
Participation in a research program on “Psychological problems of women addressed in a mental health center”, Mental Health Center of the Western Sector of Thessaloniki.